Written on 13th of May, 2020
Updated on 26th of August, 2021
By the mercies of God, I greet each and every one of you all from wherever this message from God is being read, listened to or watched.
I come before you this day at this very second, minute and hour not of the leading of man, but of the direction and might of the God of all Flesh with a message of peace and direction from the Father of the word and world.
Shall we pray.
Our dear heavenly Father, with gratitude of heart and humbled spirits we ask that you please honour us with more of your divine presence that gives the peace that the world cannot give, and that you shine your light of life and glory unto your word in our hearts that our hearts may now and always be worthy of having you dwell in to the Glory of God the Father in Jesus name, amen. These and more we receive and rejoice in it in Jesus name, amen.
Praise the Lord........ Hallelujah!
By the grace of God, we shall be meditating through the book of Psalms 1.
Psalm 1 -
Right from Verses 1 of this rich chapter in the book of Psalm, we are told of the "Constitution of God per the life of man".
"Blessed is the man..." portrays something that has been evident. Something that is bound to happen or rather manifested already. Something of a reward as a result of a decision or the others that will be taken.
Now, how can we recognize that man or woman that has been "blessed" by God and not just by worldly standard?
1. He walks not in the counsel of the ungodly -
I. Such a man does not act by the dictate of the ungodly
II. He does not agree to the fact that everyone is doing something bad, I must join the train
III. He dares to stand out (either in business or daily life, he doesn't mind reducing the price of his goods or services even though it may slightly affect him simply because he knows and feels the pain of those who are unprivileged, and he feels that by reducing his charges will be of help to the people)
IV. He does not join others to do whatever will be of negative effect on others.
2. Nor standeth in the way of sinners -
I. Such a man will not allow himself to be tempted to derail or dwindle to the path where corruption is foundII. He does not make himself or he s household accessible for the sinners
III. He does not tread the path where sinners tread on.
IV. He refuses to become an advocate of sin
V. He refuses to be an accomplice to the committing of sin of any sort.
3. Nor sitteth in the sit of the scornful -
I. He recognizes the fact that God has created man in His image and that man is to be respected and treated with honour
II. He does not join others to pull other people's self esteem down
III. He helps others become who they have been destined by God to be
IV. He appreciates the effort of others no matter how little it is irrespective of whether those effort yield the expected resultV. He does not tarnish the image of others either for his own benefits or not
VI. He does not pull others down so that he can help himself up
VII. He does not use other people only to his benefits and then disregard them.
4. But his delight is in the law of the Lord; and in his law does he meditate day and night -
I. Such a man is happy while obeying God's law
II. As much as he is happy in obeying God's law, the lives of others is positively affected since he interact with other people on a daily basis
IV. By meditating in the law of God day and night, it has become a part of his life - it has consciously and unconsciously been imprinted into his brain, he begins to act out what he reads without a need to force himself
V. He does not just read, but he meditates in the law of God.
5. And he shall be like a - Don't forget that this man has been blessed already. Now the blessings will materialize. - a tree planted by the rivers of water -
I. He is never dry, therefore he never runs out of ideas (since his dependence is not on artificial source of water but from a collection of rivers of waterII. He does not quit on any prosperous venture even when things are not going well and others have given up.
III. He is strengthened
IV. He is not afraid of the situation of world economy or stork market.
6. that bringeth forth his fruit in his season -
I. He work by the understanding of the fact that God has ordained a time and season for man even at his highest state.
II. He is not puffed up or frustrated when his efforts are not yielding the expected results at the momentIII. Doing his moments, his labours of the past will been rewarded for good
IV. He becomes a force that will remain relevant all the time. But he will become greater when his time comes. (he is never forgotten, he is always relevant)
V. He surely have invested all both intellect, money, energy and dedication as a seed knowingly trusting the One who gives life to all things to help make his seeds yield the needed fruits.
VI. Such a man is not hasty and envious of the success of others, rather he celebrates them even if they are his workers, family or even lower to him by human heirarchy and not Gods'.
VII. He explore all potentials made available at his season, no opportunity passes him by without him maximizing it's potentials
VIII. He is and cannot be not idle.
7. his leaf also shall not wither - (This signifies the outward appearance that makes you know the beauty of a tree and to know it's worth)
I. Such a man is careful of his outward appearance - because as a man dresses, so he will be addressed (he is clean and tidy always)
II. He does not give people wrong impression of himself
III. He does not live a double life (Saint outside but devil inside)
IV. He is who he claims to be (a man of his word) - no wonder Jesus cursed the fig tree that deceived the husbandman into thinking that if he continues to water it, it will yield fruits but what just gathering leaves with no fruits; thereby wasting the husbandman's investment on it.
V. He does not take the grace and privileges he has for granted but fully maximize any opportunity that comes his way
VI. He delivers as expected of him by God and man (at home, work or community)
VII. By adherence to the above, he is always happy and cheerful, he will not allow anything to weight him down no matter what the case.
8. and whatever he doeth shall prosper -
I. Because he must prosper in all he does as a result of the blessings of God on him, he is always active
II. He is diligent and dedicated to the achieving of his God-given goals, life goals and organizational goals
III. Because he has the understanding that whatever he lays his hands upon shall prosper, he multiplies his investment both in man (helping other people become fulfilled - not for selfish interest so that he can use them again) and business (he expands his coast)
IV. People notice this blessing on him, so they try to associate themselves with him so that they also can benefit from his grace.
9. The ungodly are not so -I. The ungodly are direct opposite of the above
II. They are not blessed.
10. but are like the chaff which the wind driveth away -
I. They are restless because they realize that their end has comeII. They have no root (they jump from one relationship or business to another because they do not have what it takes to maintain it both spiritually and physically).
III. They have no real value and they add no real value to anything (they cannot be missed)
IV. Since they are not deep rooted by the study of the law of God, they become easy prey for the enemy and they get taken down by something and someone of no real worth or importance.
11. Therefore, the ungodly shall not stand in the judgement -
I. This judgement is to determine the rewarding formula for every good deed the righteous does (this is after the ungodly have been casted out like dogs to a place of shame, wailing and gnashing of teeth).
12. Nor sinners in the congregation of the righteous
I. There will surely be distinction between those that serve God faithfully a d those that don't.
13. For the Lord knoweth the way of the righteous -
I. The term "Knoweth" signifies that God is aware of the movement of the righteous - He knows their rising up and sitting down, since he is the one giving them direction (they don't do anything by their own volition)II. Since God is the one giving them direction, He is definitely responsible for their protection
III. God is responsible for their sustenance and general well being (perfect health is included) just like someone under the protection of the leader of a drug cartel cannot be touched by lesser opponents if they don't want an all-in war to break out.
14. but the way of the ungodly shall perish -
II. There is a way that seems right to man, but the end there of is destruction - Since they have refused to meditate in God's law, they obviously are not aware of Bible portions like this that gives warning (even some may be aware, but they obviously won't have the understanding because their type will just read and not meditate on God's law.
Shall we pray:-
With Thanksgiving and utmost admiration for your kindness and tender love showered on we mortals to walk in the light of your countenance and be guided by your eyes for a time and season as this to help us meditate and reflect on your word even as you call us by love, our heavenly father, we pray you help us to continually work in your light even as we shine your light to help light your light in others in Jesus name, amen...
Brethren, I wish above all things that you prosper and be in perfect peace of our Lord Jesus Christ, even as the God of peace shall bruise Satan under our feet shortly.
May the Grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all, amen.
Roman 16:20
(Here is an inspired message given by God to Adetuwoju Oluwatobi)
Email: adetuwojuoluwatobi10@gmail.com
Phone: 08139276976.
Kindly help me share my Father's love and let others be blessed.
God Richly Bless You!
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