Regardless of where you find yourself and what you face, may I encourage you to keep the HOPE alive...?
Can I tell you this'- YOU WILL SCALE THROUGH
You may not have the 'ANSWERS' now or even have a clue as to what next to do or how to survive the year; this I know and I'm certain of is that; YOU WILL SCALE THROUGH WITH JOY...
If others are getting it big and it seems as if you are forgotten, if others are showcasing their latest achievements, while you have nothing to showcase, if others are living as if they have no problems, while all you see around you are problems.... WHAT TO DO?
There's a FRIEND that sticks closer than a Brother... He sees and knows all and will not cast away no matter what... Though the struggle in the world be much, He understands and as such able to CARE for you.
Regardless of what people preach about him, He is UNIQUE in His dealing with man.
May I invite you to a FELLOWSHIP which will be the beginning of a RELATIONSHIP with this TRUE FRIEND?
Can I tell you that in my little QUEST, I've seen and done lot of things, but above all, NOTHING CAN COMPARE WITH THE LOVE OF THE FATHER.
Psalm 119:96 - 'I have seen the end of all perfection: but thy law is exceedingly broad'... As Humans, there are various limitations to our abilities and capabilities. No matter how mighty and low the world placed us or that we placed ourselves, we daily would have to still strive for something better;THE QUEST FOR THE ATTAINMENT OF PERFECTION IS NEVER FULLY GAINED. But in God's word, there lies UNLIMITED VALUE that is able to BALANCE the life-puzzle of a man.
See, it's worthy to note that in this very word lies the guide-map provided to help man overcome whatever challenge he will face on Earth... 'What BENEFITS we forfeit when we DESPISE the very word that WROUGHT our formation and existence.
Before you probably have to scroll away, may I say that; this True Friend being JESUS CHRIST the only Son of God is so much eager to hear you call to Him.
Wherever you are, kindly take a minute to talk to Him about you, even though He knows all. Can you try to introduce yourself to him and invite Him to help you build a permanent relationship with Him?
It's an honour to deliver the message of FATHER'S LOVE to you... Please note; YOU ARE LOVED WITH AN EVERLASTING LOVE AND YOU ARE IMPORTANT...
#FatherHasCome #Ipadabo #HisReturn #Isimi #FathersLove #temiloluwaspecial #EurekaBliss #EDI
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